Yes, you can link all orders to a single customer in QuickBooks Online using Pipemonk. 

Note: In this case, the records of customers is not exported to QuickBooks Online.

To link all  orders to a single customer, follow these steps: 

1. Login to your Pipemonk account. The Pipemonk Home Page is displayed.

2. If you have multiple integrations in your Pipemonk account, then choose the one for which you want to change the settings.

3. Click on Settings. The General Settings page is displayed.

4. On the Settings page, click Features.

5. In the  Map all Shopify Sales orders to a single customer in QuickBooks. Would you like to associate all sales orders from Shopify to one single customer field mark Yes to enable this feature.

6. Click Save Changes.

That's it. You have successfully linked your orders to a single customer in QuickBooks Online.