To deposit the value of orders in QuickBooks Online, we need you to select a Deposit Account, when Sales Receipt has been chosen. Let us see how to create it in QuickBooks Online:

1)Click on the Settings (the gear icon) in your QuickBooks Online account:




2)Click on ‘Chart of Accounts’ in the Settings column as shown:



3)In the ‘Chart of Accounts’ page, click on “New”



4)Choose the ‘Category Type’ as “Other Current assets” or “Bank”


Here we selected ‘Bank’ as ’Category Type’


5)Now choose “Checking“ as the “Detail Type”:



6)Give a ‘Name’ to the account.




7)Click on “Save”.


Thats it!


A Deposit account has been successfully created in your QuickBooks Online. When you reload Pipemonk Sync Settings, this account can be used.